Additional Info on A2P 10DLC Trust Center

2 min. readlast update: 09.14.2023

If you have not set up your Trust Center yet and need to set up a Toll-Free Number in order to continue sending messages, Click Here.

What is A2P?

Application to Person (A2P) refers to any application (like The Follow Up Ninja) that sends text messages to people.

What is 10DLC?

10DLC stands for 10 Digit Long Code. A 10DLC phone number contains 10 digits, and is also called a local phone number. When you are buying a US phone number from TFUN, 10DLC numbers have "Local" as their Type.

10 digit long code numbers in the US were originally designed for person to person (P2P) communication. These routes were unregulated, and in recent years have started seeing abuse from spam applications and unsolicited messaging.

Due to the increase in spam messages, many consumers have lost trust in SMS as a form of communication. US A2P 10DLC is the standard that carriers have implemented in the US to regulate this communication pathway.

Why was A2P 10DLC created?

A2P 10DLC improves the end-user experience by making sure that people can opt in and out of messaging and also know who is sending them messages. It also benefits businesses, offering them higher messaging throughput, brand awareness, and accountability.

Who needs to register for A2P 10DLC?

Anyone sending SMS/MMS messages over a 10DLC number from an application to the US must register for A2P 10DLC.

Carriers consider all SMS traffic from The Follow Up Ninja to be sent from an application, so anyone using a 10DLC number with TFUN to send SMS messages to the US will need to register. 

Toll-Free numbers and shortcode numbers are not part of the A2P 10DLC system and can also be used for messaging end-users in the United States. 

Registering for A2P 10DLC results in lower message filtering and higher messaging throughput. Additionally, customers who send messages from a TFUN 10DLC number but do not register will receive additional carrier fees for sending unregistered traffic. 

You can register for A2P 10DLC within The Follow Up Ninja Trust Center Console.

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